
The project idea comes from some elements emerged from the KA1 VET projects carried out so far. The manufacturing industry is undergoing the “industry 4.0” revolution which requires an always more specialised workforce capable of dealing with new technologies, digitalisation of the working processes, sustainability and internationalisation in a very fast changing environment. The pressure of delivering high quality training courses to prepare young people to enter this labour market is getting higher every year. VET centres need to constantly update their curricula and teaching methodologies to keep up with the change, and, as a consequence, we need to build resilience in teachers and provide them with regular training opportunities. VET programmes are attended by vulnerable groups, such as people with: disabilities, migrant background, social-economically disadvantaged situation and special educational needs which are exposed at the risk of early leaving from education.

Previous projects: TECOD
(2016-1-IT01-KA102-005193); iMECH 4.0 (2019-1- IT01-KA102-00730) and ATHOS (2020-1-IT01-KA102-008263).

CNOS-FAP Lombardia has launched in 2016 an ambitious internationalisation strategy at interregional level which has involved 8 VET organisations in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna which has brought to the implementation of 3 KA1 projects.


iMech will contribute to the improvement of quality in VET by:

1. Updating teachers’ competences in technical subjects related to industry 4.0 such as: mechanics, mechatronics and automation.

2. Raising awareness in VET staff on inclusion strategies for students with fewer opportunities.

3. Enhancing the internationalisation strategies of VET providers and the quality of learning mobility for students.